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Firefighters are heroes !

16 février 2011


On September 11th 2001, in New-York, two planes flew into the towers of the World Trade Center. When the planes impact the towers, it was a big explosion ! At this moment, everybody cries, we heard the sirens, and we can see a black smoke and dust in New-York ! Many people were very scared and they thinks it's not real, it's fake ! That's why, everybody said, it's like a film of science fiction ! On top of it, lot of rubble and paper fall across.

It is difficult to imagine a more dangerous situation since the firefighters put their lives at risk. First, when the towers burn the firefighters went in the towers for evacuated many people, because in the World Trade Center, when the planes impact them, people was working ! Although the towers burn, the firefighters went in the towers for saved many lives ! Then for all these reasons whe can said the fdny are heroes ! That's why, we can congratulated firefighters for the good job they have done.

Actually, they were capable of saved many lives like a unordinary people, for example, like superheroes. Since the 09-11, people consider firefighters like their rescuers. 3000 people died, but without fdny more people would died ! 

Firefighters, these people extraordinary, are like a superheroes, because superheroes can flying, to be indestructible, travelling-through-time, but the firefighters they able to saved many lives !


Firefighters are heroes !